Mark your calendar now! Crossover is an annual evangelistic emphasis that takes place in the city where the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting is held and is a combined effort between the North American Mission Board (NAMB), The State Convention of Baptists in Indiana (SCBI), and the Crossroads Baptist Association in Indy. With this year’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, our church has an excellent opportunity for more folks to be involved! Many churches in Indianapolis are planning an evangelistic outreach the week before the SBC annual meeting, and many will plan evangelistic events on Saturday (June 8) before the annual meeting starts. Our church is signed up to help serve on Saturday and will partner with a local host church in the Indy area. We are hoping to have at least 25 folks from our church serve! Attending the SBC Annual Meeting is not a requirement to participate in Crossover. We will carpool to Indianapolis on Saturday morning and return Saturday afternoon/evening, so plan for this to be an all-day commitment unless you drive separately. Attending this event is free, but depending on the host church we partner with, we may be responsible for meals. We will have a sign-up sheet soon for those interested.
Crossover 2024 (Indianapolis)
June 8, 2024