Welcome to FBC Henryville Children
The vision for FBC’s children’s ministry is for our children to come to know God through saving faith in Jesus Christ, and that they would live to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.

We believe in family equipping ministry. This means that we want to champion the role of parents as the primary disciple makers in their homes. One of the biggest differences in how this may look is that we do not have a separate children’s church during the main Sunday Morning worship service. We do recognize that this can be challenging and is a big transition for parents who aren’t used to it, but we believe it is worth it for children to sit with their parents, watching them worship through song and prayer and watching their parents lean into the preaching of the Word! We aim to equip and help parents along the way in this journey (Ephesians 4:12-14).
Sunday School
This is an intentional time of age focused lessons in Biblical truths, worldview, and theology.
9:45 AM

Nursery Care
Nursery Care is provided during the Sunday morning service for children birth through three years old.
Our Annual Events
Easter Egg hunt
Vacation Bible School
Cornucopia Farms Outing
Trunk or Treat
In all of our student and children’s ministries, all volunteers are required to be members of FBC Henryville and complete a background check and MinistrySafe training.